Moving client to digital channels / Adastra


30. 04. 2020

Moving client to digital channels

Current crisis can be an opportunity to strengthen your business position

Technological development led to huge spread of mobile and internet technology even in the most remote and less developed regions of the world. With more than two thirds of the world population covered with mobile phones a lot of new businesses are starting with pure digital-based approach in mind. And in times of crisis they have huge advantage over traditional businesses which are relying on their wide networks of branches and partners.

Why choose Adastra Business Consulting?

ABC has extensive experience with processes improvements and digitalization for Banks and Consumer finance companies across the regions resulting in lower OPEX; better control of client behaviour and higher resilience to crises.

How Adastra Business Consulting can support conversion of customers to digital channels:

  • Analysis of Business processes and IT architecture, identification of potential of boosting digital channels. Development of realization roadmap. Estimation of business potential
  • Development / adjustments of target processes.
  • Client segmentation and development of targeted communication. Definition of conversion campaigns.
  • Set-up and piloting of conversion campaigns. Evaluation of the results.

Expected benefits:

  • Boost of digital communication channels
  • Company stability, proper response to current crisis limitations
  • Lower OPEX and higher customer satisfaction in long-term

Remote project delivery with an experienced partner is the best option

COVID-19 spreading around the globe limits the possibility of on-site project delivery. We believe that a remote project with an experienced partner, such as Adastra Business Consulting is the best way to go.
