Modern data warehouses introduce a new way to store all the enterprise data needed for analysis or management and data concepts such as data lake or real time data processing in the form of data streams are getting more and more popular.
In 2015, only 17% of companies used Big Data. Just three years later, in 2018, this had already increased to 59%.
Our Solutions
Data Integration
We arrange data collection and consolidation from various data sources.
Data Storage Optimization
We set up the optimal storage for your data considering their usage.
Business Intelligence
We provide BI tools adjusted to support your data utilization needs.
Data Utilization
We provide support with data utilization across company functions (e.g. risk management, CRM).
We Help Clients to Follow the Latest Trends
Data warehousing is changing and with broader usage of Big Data technology, Clouds and NLP platforms across industries. The main trends we observe across our clients in the market:
- In Business Intelligence, Big Data technology and architecture are becoming a mainstream alternative to classic databases.
- Technology for the use of natural language and data streaming continues to make substantial advancements and is changing the market.
- Most organizations are gradually moving all their business-critical data and applications to the cloud.
In order to follow the trends, we build our main data-warehouse components independent of specific technologies, therefore we are able to help a wide range of customers with their needs.

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