Crisis came as an unprecedented and unpredictable situation that threatened organizations, which were not prepared for a swift response. Prompt decision making, operational flexibility, strong IT functions and adequate communication strategy are the four elements helping address immediate and rapid impacts. This is valid among more areas and industries.
Complexity of supply chains, organizational structures, distributions channels makes it difficult to respond quickly to the situation and not forget any important aspects influencing your organization. If Crisis Management team reacts effectively, potential losses could be lower and impact on your organization could be mitigated.

What we do
We come and remediate your issues: quickly and pragmatically.
As latest developments show, crisis can occur unpredictably and evolve very quickly. We help organizations to use crisis management discipline as a strategic capability.
We help to react promptly and in a flexible manner in a way as we have done to many organizations being advisors in jurisdictions where adaptability, diversification, constant incidents are happening frequently. Same approach we applied on our own operations.
We focus on your immediate response on the situation aiming to stabilize your organization from inside, strengthen critical functions and consequently minimize losses. We think about communication strategy – this is solely very important and nowadays communication towards your people and your customers is a key for the real recovery.

How we do it
We are your crisis management crew.
We come and work with your organization top down:

We talk to the Board and identify main issues, goals and other circumstances related specifically to your company at this moment

Analyze key business and organizational knots and linkages between them

Prepare tactical response plan engaging different organizational functions/ departments, incl. 3rd party risk management

Enhance implemented quick fixes while preparing maintainable solution

Continuously monitor external environment and provide corrections to the agreed measures

Catching opportunities for your business, as any crisis brings not only damages but creates chances for those who act fast