Video surveillance systems constantly produce massive amounts of video which never gets watched or reviewed. As a result, security incidents get missed and suspicious behavior is not detected in time to prevent incidents.
Our Products
We provide video analytics platform that create multiple benefits in business and security intelligence. The platform can be used in wide range of use cases across industreis, including Retail, Banking and Manufacturing. The most common usage of the platform is as below:
Detection of Anomalous Behavior
People in the video stream behave in different way than expected.
People Flow Tracking
How many people are in defined regions at a given moment, where people move?
Detection of Hazard Situations
Detecting object and events which are causing hazard like fire or accidents.
Detection of Objects and Their Relations
in video streams – e.g. cars, trucks, poses of people etc.

Software platform deployed both on premise and/or in cloud and connected to existing surveillance systems (video cameras).
Utilizes state of the art techniques in video processing providing results with high detection accuracy.
Brings a web application with user interface which provides the user with the real-time events, alerts and analytics over the events. Also allows to perform forensic analysis on the historical video flows.
Provides maximal security of the stored data.
Platform is customizable, which allows the customer to define which situations are hazardous for you and these are recognized by the platform.
COVID-19 Usage
Usage of our video analytics platform can help retailers and manufacturers to safely re-open branches and operations sites automatically detecting safety breaches related to mask usage, social distancing or health issues.

Face mask detection for entry allowance. Missing face mask in the crowd.

Sudden health issues detection and unusual body pose detection.

Measurement of social distancing and identification of crowds in public places.